Multi Post Stories

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dreams or Nightmares?

His darker dreams disturbed him, even as they were happening.

His body had been taken over by snakes, and he was cutting of their rapid growth in some kind of kitchen appliance. Even though the tool was perfect for the job, it seemed to be a net zero use of time. They simply grew quicker to match the ones that were cut off. His left hand was thoroughly infected, and the snakes seemed intent on getting his right hand as well.

In his other dreams OCD became a problem.

He was at a roadside Subway, or a mockery of one. The building was barely thick enough to hold the three staff members and seemed to hold only a fraction of what it should for supplies. He rifled through his pockets to find useless gift cards, playing cards and the ever-present micro-coins. Like real currency, but a fifth of it's size. It seems his dreams were always plagued with poor counterfeiters who couldn't even match the scale of real coins.

Even when all was well, it was disorganized

He was in a restaurant, looking on as the staff rotated. The servers were doing a stage production as they cleared the tables in expectation of tips that never came. The kitchen staff were ending their shift and were closing down the kitchen in what seemed to be the middle of the busy time.

Then there was the supervision

At nearly all times he was being shadowed by people. People who were looking out for his best interest, but who seemed to be barely aware of what was happening. It was infuriating. They robbed him of his time, dulled his senses and distracted him from things of importance. They were there so often it was a miracle when they weren't – but even then it seemed he was under their shadow. In only rare cases was he able to act and perceive entirely on his own.

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