Multi Post Stories

Friday, August 1, 2014

Superwholock. Foregleams and Reflections

Cas sat at one of the chair on the TARDIS. He could fly but he was still a bit clumsy at the controls. Normally that wouldn't matter, but the had only a certain amount of time before Jim's calls routed their way through the safeguards, jumping back in time and making the news reports the saw actually happen.

It took a few tries for the team to realize this, which is why a few weeks ago they were only trying it with smaller matters. A lost dog, a heart attack, misdirected love letter. Cas could touch the screen and show the alternate news report. Always a choice.

“I've never met anyone that didn't matter” said the Doctor, and he meant it. The team had found the dog, prevented the heart attack with a timely defibrillator from a per-emptive ambulance call and made sure the love letters were routed through the TARDIS.

Cas played with his phone, the rest of the team learned not to berate him about this, since he was in touch with the people who saw it coming. He was the one who rerouted the stray text about the Nightmare back to Sherlock.

That gave them some leads to go on. If the dream mentioned water and sailing vessels, they would go to the docks nearest the news report. The TARDIS would then be able to zero in on the outgoing phonecall and let it through. The team would then appear a few hours before and have time to track down the phone and make sure they target didn't go through with Jim's plan.

Of course, it was Cas' angels contacts who gave the dream in the first place and no doubt the demons reveled in sharing in the fear of the nightmares.

It was their chaos which kept things off-kilter, their random ghosting of the TARDIS' mind and the hearts that lie within it's grasp.

It wasn't hard to see that something bigger was brewing. Something even the TARDIS had fear about confronting.

Cas wasn't afraid, but it gave him some pause.

He didn't have the same kind of timesense as the TARDIS. Where she read the likely upcoming events, he could read the hearts and minds of individuals directly. Inside his senses were distorted, but not in an unpleasant way. He could focus more keenly on future conversations - acting as the radar for the smaller bits of text that would otherwise escape the TARDIS' notice.

Sometimes it was just a word, or phrase, but it was enough to get the TARDIS' attention, she could then slip forward in the timestream to pick up the whole interaction and intercept it.

It was tricky, and it always lead to the possibility of another paradox, but in Sherlock's mind it was just like a Flag. Something, some bit of eddy in the timestream that swirled around more keenly around some people than others.

The team forwarded the information to Torchwood, and they always confirmed what they could. A certain residual energy that meant a certain place at a certain time had a some leftover temporal flux.

As the team dealt with each problem, Torchwood would report the energy readings spiking and then subsiding. That confirmed, more than anything, that time was always in flux and that on some level events in one timeframe always effected future events.

Something in the future had scrambled a lot of the hardcopies that Torchwood was working off of. Everything except a few critical systems that could be mirrored from a copy at a sliding point (relative to the TARDIS) from Torchwood North.

The news reports were usually garbled, showing bits of each possible outcome in a nonsense display. Some videos survived off of youtube and other sites. The team could then embed them with different CC and, through the USB/rift interface to an identical usb hidden in one of Googles mainframes.

It was inexact, but as the team filtered it through a third USB on the TARDIS, everything started to make more sense.

The last message was rather clear “Your mind made me pregnant”

Logs that CAS had been poking at suddenly made more sense and he prayed about it. It obviously had prophetic significance, but due to all the temporal energy it was unclear when the message applied.

Checking the Torchwood North logs, the messages were centered in mid-June, but the confirmation didn't come till early August.

The TARDIS said the Baby was due in 2015, but couldn't, or didn't want to point out a date.

It all seemed to revolve around the forbidden timeline. The one where the paradox originated.

Jack munched a handful of popcorn “It makffs zensh” “Jack” said Eve, chiding him on talking with his mouth full. Jack pulled up the records from Torchwood North. Highlighting on one piece of text. Wedding here, and then four honeymoons. “Guess what the wedding /car/ is?”

The base's speakers suddenly crackled to life “SPOILERS” said River.

As she said the word, the blip over Cardiff Gardens blipped, then another more ominous blip over the Moon.

Also, in a dreamlike haze CAS, Dean and Sam appeared in a similar, but empty Torchwood. The word “Spoilers” was echoing over the intercom in a slow and distorted voice. All the monitors showed the blip somewhere near Cardiff, then the larger darker blip over the Moon.

Crowley walked in. “If it isn't the three amigos” “You see, I've got front row seats on the wedding of the century, and it's going to bring the house down.”

“Tell me he does not have the Moon Cas!” “The Moon is involved, yes.” Nocturnal CAS wasn't as helpful, but it did let them see farther ahead. Cas had to concentrate here, balancing lucidity and emotional impact. Sometimes, like this, emotional impact would be easy. Cas wouldn't normally remember the dream when he awoke, but he could ask the others about it. This one proved to be an exception, as he had finally found a sweet spot between his Angelic foreknowledge and subtle references to other people.

He had to be careful what he said and did during the day, who he talked to and who he thought about. This one was practically spelled out for him, a big chunk of the puzzle that gambled on the bigger bits of the story taking root.


Cas was jostled out of what he had thought was just a stationary trance. Something to help the other members of the team. “I had a dream” he said.

“No kidding dumbass.” “I've never had a dream before” “Well you've been in a lot of ours” “Yes, you told me” “It was most …. refreshing.” “So Crowley has got the Moon and you think it's great?” “God has a plan” “And that is...?” “A wedding”

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