Multi Post Stories

Monday, July 5, 2021

The Problem with building a Time Machine

     Say a time machine works on a kind of 'infinite well' kind of principle - in that you're simply drawing out a possible future from a container that has a number of fixed variable in it.  

    The builder of the time machine wouldn't be able to operate it very well themselves as it would always give exactly what they expect - which is unfortunately, nothing.  Or it could just as easily give them everything, in which case it would also be nothing as anything received by that method would be worthless as know it's simply a fleshed out version of their own idea.  

    You'd basically be exiling yourself to an unending lucid dream in which anything you intend to do in the future could be done, brought back to the present and enjoyed without effort.  

    What you'd need to build is something more like a roller coaster. Something that could take enough feelings and readouts of everyone involved and make a predictable yet thrilling enough ride that can easily be reset if needed.  Something that adapts to each person but not so much that they fall under the same curse as the builder.  

You might want to call me Bootstrap”


Because I use things that don’t exist, and make them later”

Beethoven’s 5th plays on a guitar as Bill Pots touches a Sonic Screwdriver – one of several, even though there should only be one per Doctor.


The Dream cube(s) was pretty much ready.  A few odd wiring bits kept normally active memories off and vice versa.   He could see numbers and text even though the state was flipping between awake / sleep walk / lucid / unconscious imperceptibly fast.  Well, fast enough. 



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