Multi Post Stories

Sunday, July 11, 2021

First Draft.


Miracle Day 2 John Barrowman – Captain Jack Hologram - Ianto Jones Jesus – As himself (most of the time) Mr Smith – My computer with Movie OS running Other members of Torchwood as themselves David Tenant – The Dream Lord Matt Smith – David's Conscience Daleks – Programmed by Music Great Intelligence – Wifi Sliding Props by Warehouse 13 and Cardiff Rift Charged Music Ying Yang – USS Lights come up on stage. It's a version of the Torchwood set, but with more monitors. Jesus is shown expelling a demon from a young boy. Jack flashes with light as he appears to be having a nightmare. Then it happens again and a third time. Ianto: I bring you good news...? Jesus: What? Ianto: That's what you're going to say next. Jesus: Of course. Ianto: Well it's not helping Mr Barrowman here. Jesus: Isn't this 30CE? Ianto: No, it's the 20th Century Jack:When everything changes. all look to Jack * Music USS Hello Hurray Tosh: We were able to get some interesting readings from all that activity Jack: And I really am Immortal now. Jesus: Don't push it. Ianto: You saw it yourself, this is more like a dream world than the real one Jesus: I'm not sure why I'm here. Gwen: * laughs * I remember an outtake about having the baby Jesus Ianto: It's um, great to um, meet you. If this isn't a dream Jesus: It's a bit of both. That might be why you're all acting the way you are. Jack: So what now? Jesus: I suppose I could explain how I'm not really here, but I think this place is stable enough we could actually do some good. Ianto: I've had some interesting ideas coming to me lately. I'm not sure why. Jack: And I've had nightmares Jesus: Satan and his demons. Gwen: * sighs * that's your explanation for everything. Jesus: Sorry, I'm just reading the script. - What? Can't a guy have a hobby? Jack smiles. Ianto puts on a thoughtful pose and Gwen throws up her hands Music USS Heaven on Mars Jesus: Armageddon is coming Gwen: So you keep saying. Ianto: What's it going to be like, you haven't exactly been forthcoming with details. The last update was over 2000 years ago. Otherwise you seem to be about as stuck as you were in the first act. Jesus: Well there's a lot of stuff happening in the background. Ianto: Such as? Jesus: . . . . Suddenly the monitors, which have been showing odd youtube clips with Hebrew subtitles have switched to an images of the master and Moriarty looping Moriarity: Did you miss me? Master: What this world needs – is a Doctor Jesus pauses, thinks and after giving thanks does a gesture. He steps into the background Tosh: It's doing it again. Gwen: It's the end of the world! Jack: It's just a monitor feed. * comforts the team * Jesus does a small gesture toward Ianto Ianto: I'm afraid it's not. Music USS N/A Ok Jack: What do we do? Ianto: The same thing we do every week. Save the world Gwen: This is serious! Ianto: I know, but if it gets too intense, we just wake up. David Tennant appears with Matt Smith and Donna Noble in tow David Tennant: Oh, but where's the fun in that​? Matt: David. This is serious. David: Oh I've been doing this a while, but this is the most stable it's ever been A loud voice comes over the Intercom. EX-TER-MIN-ATE David: Right on cue. Matt and David both take out their sonics and do a reading of the room. Matt: Jack, er, John, there's something unnatural about you... David: But not so interesting as our mystery host. points to where Jesus is hiding Jesus thinks quickly and assumes the form of Agent Coleson J/C: I'm sorry, it was dark back there and I couldn't help myself. Welcome to level 7. Ianto: Where are we? Jesus\Coleson looks around, the monitors all say Welcome to Mars! J\C: It's classified. Gwen: So let's talk about the bad dreams. Jesus: You're not the only one who had them. Well not this version of me anyway. > You say "Ianto: If you get in a time loop here's the instructional video" Jesus: And there you have it, the confession of a mad man. Jack: So how did you get out of that one Gwen? > You say "Gwen: I played with the radio and found Sonic." Jesus: Something like that. Ianto: Doesn't explain why you started dreaming about it again in 2014 though. Jesus: true, I didn't get out of that one by accident. > You say "Nate: SOnic... er Torchwood Radio. " Jesus: I remember that now. It's been a long time since I listened to it. Ianto: So you think the music triggered the dreams? Jesus: It's possible. I never thought about the radio before, but it's possible that there was some kind of subliminal message in the music. I thought you told us not to follow our dreams? Ianto: It's a side effect of the time quake, it should pass. "Right, time to get back to work then!" The screen cuts to static and the tremor continues to get stronger. Jack: We ask for self control and strength in this time .. amen. Audio from JCT computer plays during the intermission. Ianto: It's a testament to the capabilities of the human mind that we were able to stabilise time at all with this project, let alone in the way we were able too. Nate: Hard to believe we once thought the project was impossible without altering history. Tosh: What happened to your faction? Ianto: The rest of the heads of section gave up on conflicting with the central minds, and just went along with the project. With some persuasion from our faction, and after calibrating the system to our minds, we were able to enter the basements of the old college buildings and start working in secret. "That's where we found the old college's damaged Rift machine" Ianto says. "You discovered all this, with no collaborators or detection from the outside world?" you ask in surprise. "Hah, we got a little help from missing students and a janitor, but we managed to lock him in the basement too" Ianto says. "That's some janitor" you laugh. "I know right? He had this weird smile and kept calling us sir" Gwen says. "Oh no, this guy was way creepier than any of the other professors we had" Ianto says. Gwen: No way! He was flirting with you Gwen? Jesus: Jesus: That's not quite how I remember it. Let's just say I was plenty frightened, and my palms still get sweaty when I think about the experiment not working. Ianto: But it did, and we're here now. I: But what about the future? T: Don't even go there. T: It's conceptual space for the most part. Till things get nailed down. The future is always changing, getting a good grip on it before trying to affect it is the key. I: So you're saying there's nothing to worry about? T: No. Jesus: That's... pretty close to what the central minds said too. Some of you seem pretty unconvinced. Annoucer: 12:12 Classical Time Check in. You are in the past, safe and sound. You can leave the room now. Somewhere in your journey through the future, you've lost control of the time devices again. Matt Smith: Rory. Did you drop a thermocouple? Ianto: No. It's OK. Trouble is, they haven't been working for a while. Somewhere in the vastness of time, you find yourself in another room. Jesus: Nate--when does Torchwood Radio Play Classical Music? Nate: I think it's whenever there's a Radio Rhyme. Jesus: Oh dear. Ianto: Or whenever that funny man says it is. "Who's there?" you hear a familiar voice say. "Jesus! Long time no see!" Gwen: Oh my God, it's you. And you're still alive! G: This is so hard, I'm not sure where to start. "Jesus" was a nickname given to you by your friends in college. You figured out the amount of energy it would take for certain miracles to occur. Fish, wine. walking on water. That kind of thing. You never tried to resurrect the dead though. Your science degree got you a job with the Company running their time division. That's where you learned about the number of deaths in the world. You ask if there's any rewrites anyone wants before it gets published. The Company's going to be sending some people to the past to alter history so it looks a lot different. These changes will happen no matter what, so you figure you'd better try to find the origin of the problem before destroying it. Mostly just to see if it can be done. Rory: The first thing I did when I got my degree in science was study temporal mechanics and try to find a way to travel back in time. Amy: Aw that's so sweet. Rory: You're a sweet girl, but I was more fascinated by the world of the dead. Amy: Zombies? Rory: No, just ghosts. I mean there have always been ghosts, but thanks to advances in science we can actually prove they exist now. Jesus: I'm pretty sure they've always existed. 12: (Shorthand for doctor incarnation) Time Ghosts. Their energy can be used by humans to travel in time. You were the first person to figure it out. I can't be the only one who remembers him... Nate: It's a good movie. David: It also gets me comics from the future, I never know when to quit. You too Nate? Nate: I actually couldn't bring myself to go back myself. It was too much of a mental burden so I stuck with the present, but I'll stick my neck out for you guys. Ianto: But you did go back. Check the tape from the earlier show. Or is that a future show? David: Ah, yes! In fact that was the first future show. I remember going back and telling you guys that it was going to be a movie. 10: Now here, King... David of Israel. I'm the real David Tennant. This is just a... a role I'm playing. My name is actually David. Ianto: David, the zombie-fied you from the future? 10: Oh he comes back. I'm sure somebody likes him. He's just more definite, hence zombie thing... here. I'm not really him, just an actor playing his part. "Hello." He smiles at you warmly. "My name's King, I'll be your tour guide for the evening." At the name KING, the lighthouse beacon on the set behind him turns on. "That's it for the ghosts, I'll shut the beacon off now before the ghosts get out of control." After shutting the light off, King takes a step towards you all. "We have one more ghost to show you. It's a very important ghost." King looks at his watch. King: Mark 37-39. Now this isn't an exact copy, but it is the next best thing. It's an anti-tank mine that was used during the war. Just hold on to your horses ladies and gentlemen, here's a ghost! A man appears in a black suit, he has no face. The man floats towards you and the group. "That is the first ghost." King says. The man floats in front of you, the others step back. The ghost steps forward, closer to you. You can now make out facial features. It's Mark. Mark: "David?" David: David: David Tennant, yes. Well actually - David John McDonald, but Hollywood and all that. I'm an English teacher come from Scotland. I only took the artistic route as to not have my life of crime affected by my brilliant brain. Nate: So you're scaring all of us. Why? T: I'm a helper to the writing committee. Nate if you're worried set the studio to a different time point. Set it to when I was a kid, or something. D: You're a really big Doctor Who fan, right? T: Is that a crime? Obviously I'm a massive fan, but then I'm a massive fan of a lot of things that were created during my childhood. D: No, not at all! T: D: Hey that's not fair! I didn't realize you were here to help! T: Help with what, distract the ghosts? D: No, with THIS! T: I like to think I'm 89% good. Only 1% of it is bad. D: You're a writer, Mr King, you can do some good things there! T: I'm a doctor, not a wizard. DreadfulBoring: Space Gandalf! Nate: D! You: Nate! Nate: The gun! Set the space gandalf to a time before he was scary! I: Space... what now? Coleson: (Played by Clark Gregg) It's like the thing at the end of Agents of Shield, the key to time and space speech. "Part of a team" was a bit of a stretch. We were very new so we said "Part of a team." I: But this isn't the past or present! This is an alternate future! C: Well explain then! Ianto: This is a future where a description of a time sensitive person is overblown to being a dangerous wizard. It caused a nightmare fail in a test subject. This is what happens with time travel, It butterflies out to isolated endpoints that make for good shows. N: So we're going to fix it? I: I don't think we can. Ianto: Look, just set the gurney to the week before the incident. Nate: Oh sorry. Had 'Classical Time' running. That's what inflates the problem. It's off now. Coleson: The week? But that's... before it happened. Nate: Yep. C: Well... How come I don't remember that then? Nate: You don't. Nate: Everyone has a different vantage point, so everyone gets an age and experience calibrated ride. It's really quite.... WEeee (Nate goes on a time roller coaster) I: Well time to do that ride again, Nate. Nate: No! We're going to keep you in the middle! Not too old, not too new! JUST RIGHT! KING and Nate work behind the scenes to calibrate different rides with BORINGDREADFUL. You get on the ride and see all these flashbacks and at the same time you feel like you're living all these events. 12: And a memory wipe for Chair 0. Check the R+J logs. He doesn't need to remember, just react. The scene shifts to a meeting room in the tower. A girl reads from a piece of paper. A woman stands up. W: That's great news! We'll be able to go in force soon!

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Time Blocks

  “Path Generator error 402. Target not found. Try again?” Time travel was never meant to be mainstream, but eventually it was. It too...