Multi Post Stories

Monday, March 21, 2016

Day in the Life

He woke up shortly after 8am. If he went back to sleep now, there was a good chance he would pick up his last dream where it left off. Sleeping on his front he alternated between facing the room and the wall. It was the only way to get back to sleep. An hour an a half later he woke again. The dream did pick up where it left off. Already facing the wall he decided to get up that way. The blankets were stuck under him again. Shifting his weight and tugging he was eventually free. Taking off his watch, although it was water resistant, he put it on the desk in front of the window. Swinging his legs off the bed he pushed sideways almost losing balance. Lurching over to the bookshelf he grabbed it for support. How much longer would he still be walking. He didn't think about it. His room door slid open and he saw it was snowing. A right turn into the bathroom and the first toilet break of the day. Should he sit down? Better now than later. His dad helped him up again. He leaned into the shower to turn it on. At least the shorter hair made it easier to clean. The body wash was disappointingly runny – rather than a gel, it had the consistency of pulpy orange juice. He lamented about how boring everything seemed. It was always worse first thing in the morning. Exiting the shower and back to his room he waited for his mom to help him dress.

The computer and Internet setup was already on. He checked his various Idle games. He had saved up enough money overnight to get the next major upgrade – 900% profit. He decided not to soft-reset till he could quickly get back to that upgrade again. Selecting from a short list of microwave dinners he waited for brunch to be heated. The mac and beef was a little bit spicy, but not overly so. He had his orange juice and two vitamin C tablets. He went back to his favorite gaming site at played a few badge days ahead. He stopped for a bit to read the daily text and accompanying reading. Figs. Never understood it.

In a few hours he would head out the the living room and go through the stuff on the PVR. Hopefully the entertainment show at 4pm would be new, and not a series of specials – like last week. Usually during commercials he would play his handheld gaming machine. A free tileswap game and claw grabber game would take up a majority of the time. He had been considering getting a gift card for it for a while. The swap game was getting to the point where the default chance for beating a level was getting fairly slim, and there was a cheap RPG/shop game he was debating getting. The demo for it had a limited number of plays, a rather cruel limitation.

There wasn't much else on TV. Despite having a fairly good satellite package, there were only a dozen channels that had anything worthwhile on. Too many sports, PPV movies and news stations. Most of the science channels were playing repeats of manufacturing programs, reality tv mining or repeats of astronomy features. Most of the decent shows were on after 9pm, and with the PRV there was no need to stay up late. Besides, it was worth watching later just to skip over the commercials.

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